Review: "Range" by David Epstein
Dr. Anthony Giannoumis Dr. Anthony Giannoumis

Review: "Range" by David Epstein

A month ago, I was at a flea market, and my eyes fell on a well-kept book nestled between a dusty porcelain cat and a worn-out board game from the ‘80s. The title? "Range" by David Epstein. Having one of my mentors incessantly praise it, I thought, "Why not?" and with the same excitement as a child finding a forgotten toy, I paid for the book and hurriedly made my way home.

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This is why my mom threw her new printer across the room and why it's not her fault
Dr. Anthony Giannoumis Dr. Anthony Giannoumis

This is why my mom threw her new printer across the room and why it's not her fault

In an excited rush, my mom drove to the store with the sole purpose of buying a new printer. Toe-tapping on the gas pedal, she was intent on waking up the next morning, making her cup of tea, and sitting at her kitchen table while she looked bemusedly at freshly printed pictures of her new grandson stuck to the white enamel door of her refrigerator.

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The 7 Lovely Wins of Inclusive Leadership
Dr. Anthony Giannoumis Dr. Anthony Giannoumis

The 7 Lovely Wins of Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive leadership is about using your position as a leader to create a more inclusive workplace for everyone. It is about recognizing your power and privilege as a leader, seeking an understanding of the needs of diverse teams, and creating an environment that allows everyone to succeed.

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This is why reverse mentoring will change your work and life.
Dr. Anthony Giannoumis Dr. Anthony Giannoumis

This is why reverse mentoring will change your work and life.

Mentoring is one of the key drivers for women’s success in nearly all industries. However, reverse mentoring can also benefit both the mentor and mentee alike. Reverse mentorship inverts the traditional mentor-mentee relationship.

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This will make you a transformative leader
Dr. Anthony Giannoumis Dr. Anthony Giannoumis

This will make you a transformative leader

Transformative leaders work with diverse teams to identify critical opportunities and then catalyze change. They create a clear and compelling vision that helps guide others and combine inspiration with implementation to co-create change with their team.

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