The 7 Lovely Wins of Inclusive Leadership

The 7 Lovely Wins of Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive leadership is about using your position as a leader to create a more inclusive workplace for everyone. It is about recognizing your power and privilege as a leader, seeking an understanding of the needs of diverse teams, and creating an environment that allows everyone to succeed. Inclusive leadership is important because it helps create a culture of respect, acceptance, and collaboration among employees. It also helps to foster innovation and creativity by providing a safe space for people to share their ideas without fear of judgement. It can help reduce turnover rates as employees feel valued and respected and that they belong in their work environment. By investing in inclusive leadership training and practices, companies can ensure they are creating an equitable workplace for everyone. The 7 Lovely Wins of Inclusive Leadership are drawn from Dr. Anthony Giannoumis’ motivational keynote on Inclusive Leadership.

  1. Inclusive design is necessary for some but awesome for everyone. It’s a new way to design with extreme users and stakeholders.

  2. Gamification drags your team out of their phone and into the zone. Make inclusion a competition to turn sighs into allies! 

  3. Hiring a "good fit" and a "better add". Cognitively diverse teams outperform the competition. Difference is in demand. 

  4. It’s dangerous to go alone, but reverse mentoring surrounds you with support so you can see yourself in 360 degrees. 

  5. Non-violent communication turns vulnerability into validation and diverse teams into innovation machines. 

  6. Inclusion is not being color blind. It’s the opposite. Seeing in color enables you to overcome any adversity to diversity.

  7. You messed up but saying “I'm sorry ok?”, doesn’t cut it. Learn to apologize or get ready to eulogize your reputation.


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This is why reverse mentoring will change your work and life.